Review : Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
06.34Kisah Cinta Datang dari Bus Sekolah
(gambar cover Eleanor and Park versi e-book)
"You never forget your first love...."Begitu ucap Mrs. Rowell di cover novelnya. Ya, aku rasa memang benar-benar tidak terlupakan. Ah, kisah cinta anak SMA. Pertama kali liat buku ini dari reviewan blogger buku terkenal, aku langsung tertarik baca. Novel ini pertama di terbitkan February, 2013. Yang menarik adalah settingan tempatnya yang berada di Ohama, Nebraska tahun 1986 tepatnya bulan Agustus. Ya lagi-lagi aku ketipu atau nggak baca ya? Ku kira novel ini terbit tahun 1986 (Wih.. beberapa tahun sebelum Taylor Swift lahir, pikirku). Walau akhirnya
Kisah Cinta dari Bus Sekolah
Berawal dari Eleanor yang baru saja pindah sekolah. Point of View dimulai dari Park Sheridan - cowok Asia yang cuek dan nerd. Park bercerita tentang betapa terpaksanya dia harus berbagi tempat duduk dengan si Bozo, Eleanor. Ele, adalah cewek broken home - ayahnya berpisah dengan ibunya dan ibunya menikah lagi dengan seorang pemabuk bernama Richie. Jika dilihat dari penampilan Ele yang SOOOOOOO WEEEIRDD!!! maka siapapun takakan mau berteman dengannya - ya walaupun dia akhirnya berteman dengan gadis-gadis geeks nan aneh. Tapi tidak bagi Park, semenjak Ele diam-diam membaca komiknya Park sepertinya mulai tertarik untuk berinteraksi dengan gadis berambut merah ini. Ya jadi.... bisa tau kan kelanjutannya gimana? mudah ditebak, kurasa.
Keluarga Normal dan Berantakan
(Phoenix Publisher, 2013. Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia)
How ADORABLE! Terjemahannya di situ kadang saya merasa sedih. Huh gregetan sendiri kalo liat :v
Quotes All Time
She giggled again.
‘What?’ he asked.
‘I don’t know,’ she said, ‘I feel like you’re
whispering in my ear.’
‘I’m always whispering in your ear,’ he said,
lying back on his pillows
‘I’d rather talk about you,’ he said. His voice
dropped a little. It was nice to hear just his voice
and nothing else. (Nothing besides Fraggle Rock
in the next room.) His voice was deeper than
she’d ever realized, but sort of warm in the
middle. He kind of reminded her of Peter Gabriel. Not singing, obviously. And not with a British
‘Where did you come from?’ he asked.
‘The future.
‘Why do you even like me?’
He opened his eyes.
He sat up, stood up, started pacing around his
small room. He went to stand by the window –
the one that faced her house, even though it was a
block away and she wasn’t home – holding the
base of the car phone against his stomach.
She’d asked him to explain something he
couldn’t even explain to himself.
‘I don’t like you,’ he said. ‘I need you.’
He waited for her to cut him down. To say
‘Ha’ or ‘God’ or ‘You sound like a Bread song.’
But she was quiet
why do you like me?’
‘I don’t like you.’
He waited. And waited …
Then he started to laugh. ‘You’re kind of
mean,’ he said.
‘You don’t like me …’ he said, leading her,
pressing the base of the phone into his lowest rib.
‘I don’t like you, Park,’ she said, sounding
for a second like she actually meant it. ‘I …’ –
her voice nearly disappeared – ‘sometimes I
think I live for you.’
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